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RIGHTEOUSNESS   (a divine principle)

The play of the Infinite Sky.

What does this mean.

It is nothing but the will and flow of love from the divine.What is the will of the divine but the 'divine himself'.

Why does the message of the divine be masculine?

Expression of the 'divine is positive' and full of light and love but the most high of the supreme has abundance in personality, compassion, light of the greater life! The living truth and living proof of our divine nature, natural state of being, reflects with our abilities to self heal and preserve life!

In strength of balance and 'right of harmony', as we awaken, the feminine and masculine are merged to reveal an aspect of your highest personality, enlightening the truth of spiritual oneness

Likened to Buddha-hood, the Middle Balance of life has resurrection and cleansing flow that awakens the spirit to surrender into the bliss of unity with your dynamic inner nature to self identify, into the abode of the all encompassing righteousness principle, that is imbedded in God energies!

There are many qualities of the flow into harmony which generates into the vitality and intimacy of the dynamic awareness of transcendental you!

In forgiveness and compassion we Flow. From Flow, Harmony rights itself to conquer discord. 

Belief in thyself hold the reigns for imagination and right to prevail.

 In the middle way of living correctly, not too good not too bad but on the way of love and peace. Doing as you would be done by.

When the understanding of self resilience resonates of inner security, composure, the heart is quietens to the road of righteousness!!

As your faith and inner composure strengthens to make you secure within yourself, an awareness of a new destiny of light awakens old memories from within, to self analyse the question of why you are even thinking like this!

In truth you are destined to reveal your infinite nature! Your natural unpolluted and unconditional nature! Natural YOU!

Confusion and distraction has suggested an interesting proposal to you, all your life. Let's play and have fun!! This is good for recreation, however. One day everyone has to grow up! Wake up!! Kindergarten is over, school of conditional life has been a deluded and manipulated playground of power to enslave a mass consciousness from knowing true freedom!!

We must rise from the shadow life and master the play of the Infinite Sky!

It's easy, simply surrender unconditionally to thyself.

Meditation helps, to release your burdens. Find the contented heart within. Let the bubbles rise to dissipate, self cleanse your heart, mind and body. This is a transcendental way. Being Transcendental equals self healing.

Then get to know the real you.


Peace and Love


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