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Infinite Sky!

What does the Infinite Sky mean?

Infinity is our very own gaze from the finite self through and into and from the all embracing father/mother God when in the Kingdom.

Our inner reaches are vast when awakened to the unlimited nature of our being.

In this way the limitless sky opens up the array of boundless options for consciousness.

As nature within evolves to fulfil itself, as co-creator gods we grow into the present reality of how change for the better in our world is governed by our own change inside our heart.

Upon recognition of our own growing truth into the awareness of our connectedness as humans, ONENESS becomes a reality of unity and the power of love as a choice, together with the will from our very own divine nature, gives us collectively the power to change reality!

Reality of our world reflects how we feel and direct choices into the living of life.

As life is precious, it is wise to preserve all life!

As life is precious, it is wise to preserve the breath of the living!

As life is precious, it is wise to preserve our body as it is the temple of the divine!

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