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About Us

Tao Do-In eventuated from necessity! A birthplace for many things!

My name is Howard Llewellyn Graham and I believe the Tao Do-In technique for healing sport injuries and other problem areas of the body is a most effective way to freeing blocks and energy flow for healing the physical body!

This is just the beginning as the person needs to understand we cannot let the body stagnate! Increasing a more harmonious life structure will connect the body to spirit, hence the possibilities for a higher life! 

A more transcendental life with interactive joy and health!

Be in health with Tao Do-In!

Bookings are essential for massage or treatment.

A mobile service is available in Yamba.

The Gold Coast visits are at least one weekend in the month or on request!

Call Howie 0404000313

Please Note; 

The Tao Do-In clinic accepts YOU as you!

Accept you and enjoy your closer self.

Flow Harmony Transcendence

Of course Tao Do-In likes your generous support. It is appreciated and is entered as a donation the long term survival and health of humanity via Tao Do-In World Community Healing Temples.

(Temple design, activations and primary catalysts' for increased harmonics and flow are being contemplated.)

A Tao Do-In Temple is for the general public to assist in basic healing relief and re-establish flow, harmony and transcendence!

Emotional control and self composure through meditation.

Harmonic balance with sound, smell and light!

The aim is that any unmanned Temple can function at it's best even without assistance!

How and why you may say? ..hmm.. I think this necessary because at whatever time of day someone needs compassion, understanding and release from burden! Who knows what condition a persons' true need is but the person, him/her-self!! So here lies the key!!

Thought has energy, power and vibration as well as desire or intention of purpose! This individual 'will', has a purpose, (once entering the Temple), for connecting or to invoke a response from the 'source of life' which can enlighten and unburden a low modality via recognition!

The 'breath of life' is recognizable via our senses!! Instinctively we connect to divine nature, our source! It's natural for us to 'inhale' and feel better!

Tao Do-In Healing Temples create possibilities for healing, if accepted by the 'person' as a release! Effects do flow, harmonize then transcend. This makes a person feel better, better, best ever!! Enlightening the spirit, increasing spirit awareness and cleansing of the body, becoming more pure!! Therefore, less impurities, less contamination of mind, less old conditioning in the body less restriction for the spirit-soul.

This helps re-establish unity and natural alignment with 'simply being'.

TAO DO-IN as a TEMPLE environment and clinic,

is therefore, possible and necessary to support and assist the well being of humanity holistically!

It is the philosophy behind the practice that requires less attention to money and more attention to uncontaminated applications!

There will be more on this later, as the E- Books manifest!

However for logevity it is become important to receive donations.

Input to assist your earth karma and personal evolution;



56 Wooli Street

Yamba, NSW

Australia 2464


Hours: Visits by appointment unless urgent.

Mon - Fri: After 5PM

Sat: 10AM -12Noon Free body Checks

*Body checks are done very quickly! Usually 5 to 15mins!

*Sun: By appointment

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